
The Warthog is the standard vehicle of Halo 3.  It's got three seats:  a driver, a passenger, and a gunner.  It comes in three variants:  the standard, with an anti-air gatling gun for the turret; the Gauss, with a anti infantry and anti-vehicle gauss cannon; and troop transport, which has no turret, but holds more players.  It's good for splattering because if you do a powerslide with the brake, it'll spin into a side-slide, making for an easy splatter. Bigger surface area=easier to hit the target.


The Mongoose was added to Halo 3 to quickly transport players across the maps. The Mongoose is extremely fast and agile, and can fit into tight places like in buildings or between obstacles. It can also take a tremendous and can recover easily from being flipped in the air. But unlike the Warthog, the Mongoose has no mounted weapon, and doesn't carry three players. It only has room for a driver and a passenger. When using a Mongoose, it is best for the passenger to be wielding a rocket launcher to proctect from other vehicles, and heavily armed players. Also, the Mongoose has no boost, so it isn't recommended for splattering.


The Hornet is one of the two flyable vehicles in the game. Aside from having exceptional speed, the Hornet is armed with two cannons, and two missile launchers. The Hornet is cable of moving forwards, backwards, sideways, and can hover in mid air. Also, the Hornet can transport two players on the jumpseats, located on either side of the canopy. The only bad part about the Hornet is that it's a pretty big target for anyone with a Spartan Laser or Missile Pod, and unlike the Banshee it has no way of getting out of the way fast.


The Scorpion is a heavily armored tank equipped with a cannon and a built in machine gun.  The Scorpion isn't very manuverable, it has okay speed, and it's armor can withstand about 2-3 shots from a Spartan Laser, depending upon where it hits you. If you are against the Scorpion, aim for the point where the turret joins the body of the tank. That is it's weakest point.


The biggest and baddest vehicle in the game. The Elephant is gigantic machine that can't be destroyed. It has two turrets and a cannon for defense and can be driven across the map. The only downsides to the Elephant are; The Elephant is extremely slow and has very poor manuverability. Also, it is only featured on one map in the game, and that map is Sandtrap. The greatest parts about the Elephant are that it can carry loads of cargo. It can hold about 20 players on top of the vehicle, four warthogs and 3 mongooses in the bottom. If you need to transport something, this is the way to go. Also, it is the perfect mobile bunker. Everyone on the team can hide out in here and deploy the mongoose whenever.


The Banshee is a fast, highly maneuverable, covenant ground-attack aircraft. It has two plasma cannons and a Fuel Rod Cannon in the front, fired with the melee button, and it can also boost. The Banshee is capable of performing tricks like rolls and loops. The only bad thing about the Banshee is that it can be destryoed fairly easily, and you can be killed from behind if someone manages to shoot you there.  Its arch-enemy is the LAAG Warthog.


The Ghost is the fastest vehicle in the game. It is armed with two plasma cannons in the front, and an amazing boost system, making it deadly when splattering. The only downside is that it can be destroyed easily.


One of the greatest vehicles in the game, the Wraith features a massive plasma cannon capable of destroying vehicles or taking out multiple targets at once. The Wraith has a fair speed, a boost system, and is heavily armored. Also, it's cannon can be used for indirect or direct fire, and can hurl plasma mortars across any and every map in the game. The only downside to the Wraith is that it takes much skill to use the cannon, and that there is one spot on the Wraith that, if you get to it, can take out the Wraith in one shot. The weakest point on the Wraith is a small hole in the rear of the vehicle, You can take it out with one Laser or rocket shot, one gravity hammer hit, or a few melee attacks.